General Pages


Privacy policy is the most important and important issue for Radib. You can read information about privacy policies in the Radib Marketplace file collection in this section. According to its business policies, Radib declares that it will make every effort to protect the privacy and data of users. One of the most important issues for Radib Group is to create a completely secure environment so that users feel completely safe.

At the beginning of entering Radib sites, you need to become a member of the site to use the website services. At the time of membership, information such as first and last name / email address and contact number will be required of you, which is absolutely required. After joining the user panel, information such as country, province and address is available exclusively, which you can complete if you wish. Completion of sections related to the country and province and address is completely optional. If you want to receive the necessary information, you need to complete these sections.

We always strive to be successful in maintaining user information. We will not provide the smallest information and data from users to any organization or company. Unless there is a legal order from a valid judicial authority.

?Why do we receive this information
One of the main reasons for receiving user information is user identification. We use this information to try to communicate the best results and information to users. The information related to the country and the province is to inform the courses and seminars in different cities, and we display this announcement for different situations by using the registered information of the users.

?How to inform Radib
We will send you the latest discounts, new products and the latest Radib events by sending an email or SMS to your registered mobile number. Except for these cases, there will be no misuse or advertising of users' information.

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