Domain registration with more than 450 TLD

Domain price list with more than 450 different extensions, domain registration, domain ordering, domain purchase
All amounts are calculated according to the daily exchange rate

To log in to your site, the user needs to connect to your specific IP address, for example Domain allows your IP to link to a name and extension that is easy to remember, such as

If your domain is free to register with the extensions net, biz, org, com, and etc..., you can register a domain through the following up menu. (Of course, if you enter as a customer, the registration process is much easier, you can use the customer entry at the top of the page to register or log in) The Radib domain search feature allows you to find the domain closest to your domain if it is not free.

Yes, all domains on Radib website will be registered immediately after payment and can be used by you.

It depends on your choice and how you want to use the domain. The best TLD to buy is .Com domain is because it is better known than other extensions. But if you choose the right extension for your work, especially because the names are less registered with that extension, it can be a great option; For example, using .Shop for an online store .Company for companies or .App for applications is a great option for registering a domain. Shorter names are also more attractive for domain names, and your visitors will find it easier to maintain. Also, being closer to the names that your visitors search on Google can help your SEO and see a better ranking in search engines. As your site traffic increases, visitors may mistakenly search for your site name and be redirected to another site, but registering domains close to your main domain will prevent this. For example, if you register a domain, register,, and so on.